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Margareta Goyk-Galvan

"Befreit von den zweidimensionalen Beschränkungen der Malerei erschaffe ich Skulpturen aus Ton und bemale sie dann mit meinen Geschichten und Gedanken". Margareta Goyk-Galvan

Sabine Ehrlich

"The drawing is my refuge, my island. I find refuge here." Sabine Ehrlich

Astrid Trost

" I am fascinated by rooms that tell stories. Rooms in which life takes place or has taken place. Chairs. Conversations, tears or anniversaries that have left their mark on tablecloths ." Astrid Trost

Nicola Barth

"There is actually a world behind this world. And it is constantly in motion. As a philosopher without words, I try to make frosted glass permeable with my painting." Nicola Barth

Miriam Degner

"As an architect, I have created spaces for life and art; as an artist, I create art in living spaces."

Jana Albrecht

"In my painting I have the desire and the need to make inner landscapes visible." Jana Albrecht

Eneka Razquin

"It's like Tetris: an idea pops up, I turn it around in my mind, and suddenly it fits. It feels like a 'can-do' picture - I keep painting and intuitively notice that it works." Eneka Razquin

Johanna Clara Becker

" The focus of my work is always the human being, his nature and his psyche, as well as the question of when the individual is truly himself or just an adapted shadow of himself in order to function in society. "

Christel Andrea Steier

"Man and humanity serve as a constant source of inspiration for me – as do the questions about where we come from and where we are going, about growth, becoming and passing away." Christel Andrea Steier

Liv Jung-König

"Liv Jung-König's pictures are like the memories of an entire generation - a little blurred, a little wistful, but always of universal accuracy." Max Scharnigg, SZ

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